Near Miss Incident: Events that occurs at work and have the potential to cause harm to employees, workplaces or work equipment, but do not. If we adapt these situations to our daily lives, we can call them "nearby" or almost.
You may slip and fall on the wet floor, trip over cables in the work area, etc. The events are work accident, but stepping on the wet ground and saying "I almost fell" or "I narrowly avoided falling" is a Near Miss Incident. Considering these simple examples; Near-miss incidents are a sign of a work accident. If we do not report/prevent the incident, we may encounter a work accident next time.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331; Any near misses must be recorded. Recording and reporting such incidents is vital to prevent work accidents. Because reporting Near Miss Incidents is of great importance for detecting and preventing future occupational accidents.
According to statistics, in every 300 near misses, there are 29 accidents with injuries, and in every 29 accidents with injuries, there is 1 accident with death or serious injury. In this regard, keeping near-miss records is vital to prevent occupational accidents in the workplace.
The Importance of Near Misses and Its Dangers
As Ibn Haldun University, we need to be aware of near misses and dangerous situations that occur within our university but of which we are unaware, and determine the precautions to be taken to prevent these situations from recurring. By reporting an incident and danger that is considered insignificant here, a major accident that may occur in the future can be prevented. For this reason, we attach importance to your feedback.