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Mobbing and Harassment Prevention Board

Mobbing and Harassment Prevention Board has been established within our university in order to raise awareness of students, academic and administrative staff about mobbing and harassment and to develop policies to combat it. Details regarding the functioning of the board are given below.



 Ibn Haldun University (IHU) Mobbing and Harassment Prevention Board consists of the following full and substitute members.

·        Assistant Professor Gülnihal Ahter Yakacak (Full Member)

·        Assistant Professor Afra Uysal (Full Member)

·        Assistant Professor Meryem Solmaz Bilici (Substitute Member)


1- Awareness and Education:

·    To organize seminars, workshops, and training programs to raise awareness of students and academic and administrative staff on mobbing and harassment, or to give opinions on the studies organized on these issues,

·        To increase awareness of policies and procedures for combating mobbing and harassment throughout the university.

2- Policy/Procedure Development:

·        To develop university policies to combat mobbing and harassment,

·        To develop strategic recommendations for the prevention of mobbing and harassment cases at the university,

·        To prepare action plans to reduce mobbing and harassment risks at the university,

·        To promote a healthy, safe, and inclusive atmosphere in working and learning environments,

·        To develop and disseminate ethical codes to help all students and staff understand their rights and responsibilities,

·        To ensure coordination between the relevant units of the University,

·        To provide improvement suggestions to the university administration on mobbing and harassment issues.

3- Application/Complaint Processes:

·        To provide information about the process by informing people who want to make an application about harassment and mobbing and to provide the necessary guidance to make an application.

·     To receive, examine, and offer solutions to applications in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and to direct them to the relevant units,

·        To refer victims to professional counseling or legal authorities when necessary,

·   To refer applicants to Ibn Haldun Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM), Guidance and Psychological Counselling Research and Application Centre (REDAM), or University health personnel to receive psychological support when necessary,

4- Ensuring Confidentiality and Security: To keep the personal information and application processes of the applicants confidential and to ensure a safe application and support process.

5- Co-operation and Coordination: To carry out the process in co-operation with the relevant units of the University

6- Organising General Information Meetings: To organize regular informative meetings for students and academic and administrative staff to raise awareness on mobbing and harassment issues.

7- Reporting:

·        The Board submits a report on its activities and data on applications to the university administration every year. This report summarizes the number and types of applications and the measures taken anonymously (by hiding the personal data of the applicants).

·        The working order and policies of the Advisory Board are updated in line with feedback from the university administration and the board members.

·        The data obtained through the applications may be used anonymously in training and awareness-raising activities.

·     The Board regularly monitors the developments regarding the applications and, if necessary, submits a recommendation report to the university administration.


1- Application:

a.      Personal Application: Students and academic or administrative staff who think that they are victims of mobbing and harassment can contact the Board directly. The application is made in writing to mobbingkurulu@ihu.edu.tr e-mail address.

b.     Referral from the relevant units: The person who claims to be a victim of mobbing and harassment may be referred to the Board by the relevant unit. In this case, the Board may directly contact the person concerned, or the person concerned may apply to the Board upon referral.

2- Handling of Applications:

·        The Board meets with the applicant through the full members. If one of the full members cannot attend the meeting, the substitute member continues the process.

·        Interviews are conducted in a private and secure environment in accordance with the principle of confidentiality. An online interview can be conducted upon the request or acceptance of the applicant.

·        The pre-application informative process includes providing information about the rights of the applicant, the functioning of the process, and the support that the Board can provide.

·     The Board examines each application meticulously and proposes solutions appropriate to the nature of the problem. The evaluation process prioritizes protecting the applicant's safety and rights.

·        All processes are carried out by observing the rights and safety of the applicants.

3- Application Follow-up and Guidance:

·        Each application is followed up under the responsibility of one of the Board members after the application. The relevant member may refer to IPAM or REDAM according to the applicant's needs.

·        When criminal offenses are detected, it is sufficient to inform the applicant about legal remedies.

·     In cases that constitute a disciplinary action, the relevant disciplinary supervisor is informed about the application. The applicant is informed about the disciplinary processes and the units to which he/she should apply.

·       Regular reports are kept for each application followed up; these reports are prepared in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and kept at the Board.

·        The applications are archived in a way that is accessible only to the members of the Board who attend the interview.

·        When the application process is completed, the applicant is encouraged to fill in a feedback form regarding his/her satisfaction.